Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

As iron sharpens iron,so a friend sharpens a friend.Proverbs 27:17

Click on the picture for the rules.
Mission: Wipe down your washing machine...GO!


His Girl said...

SO is it BAD that I had NEVER done that particular chore before?

I walked over there all smug like, I don't have a fancy glass lid, so this should be a piece o'cake.

NUH-UH! It was filthy and nasty, but now it is clean! Thank you for your challenge! haha!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the challenge -- mine are in serious need of a cleaning. they are way overused as we seem to reproduce more laundry than children around here, and that's a lot.

saw some of you over on mama p's blog, and that's cool.

almost springtime in georgia...

Gretchen said...

You are too techy savvy for me. What a great button.

Feeling smug because I wiped down my washer already. Last week.

Okay, okay...I suppose I could do it again.

Super smugness alert: I dusted off the top of my fridge a few days ago. And I don't know why.


Shauna said...

Uh, I have stuff piled on my washer right now. I'll clean it all off and wipe it down tomorrow. Promise.

Sing4joy said...

Gretchen: Did you just issue a challenge????

Jenn said...

Looking forward to playing along now that I am back. Love the button!