Sunday, December 9, 2007

My cup runneth over

Today was our Christmas cantata - A Celebration of Carols. (Funnily enough, the front of the program said, "Sing for joy") My choir director said to me, "I love to see the joy on your face and in you when you are singing. You are such a blessing." How little she knows about what a gift it is to me to be able to be a part of this most amazing and beautiful choir. I am reminded of the verse from Jeremiah 20:9 which perfectly describes my NEED to sing to the Lord ...."But if I say, 'I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." Indeed I cannot. Even if I wanted to. I sometimes am so completely overwhelmed by the need to worship the Lord that it feels like if I don't get it out, the power of it will shatter my bones into pieces. And truly when I am worshiping with this amazing group of people, I feel so full, that there really is nowhere else for the joy to fit and it just runs over. Right over the brim of the cup the Lord has given me. I urge you to find the thing that the Lord has given you to do on this earth and do it with all your heart. Truly, when you are doing the thing that God has created you for, you will be able to do it no other way and you'll be so happy about it to boot.


His Girl said...


This is an absolutely beautiful, wonderful post! Well done! Thank you for giving in and for writing this so well- it's one of the things I love about you best- that you share your joy for Jesus in such a beautiful, awesome way!

congratulations on your first inspiring blog!

Beverly said...

I found your new blog from His girl's blog. I wish you could see me grinning on this end of the computer! You have described me to a tee when it comes to worshiping. We too had our Christmas cantata Sunday. What a joyful time I had singing in our choir. What fun to sing of God and his awesome glory!!

I enjoyed your post very much. I look forward to reading more of your insightful posts!

Seminole, TX

Sing4joy said...

Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one. Has anyone else had received the look of, 'do you EVER remove the earbuds from your ears?' Or the, 'I heard you all the way down the street!' ?? Uh. Just me then?

Marsha said...

So true! When you find what God has created you for, there is no greater passion. (1st Peter 4:10,11).
I found you through your cousin's blog. I found her blog through another blog I was on. I check in on her occasionally and I will do the same with you.
I'll be praying for your husband's safety during his deployment, and for your peace.

Silver said...

I feel inspired by you today. And I am glad to read this verse here.. funny why I missed this one? I thought i have read Jeremiah many times over??

smiles, Silver