Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today I went with the PWOC choir and we sang the story of Jesus' birth to the poor souls waiting and waiting for their prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy. Then we sang the story of Jesus' birth to the 'holiday' shoppers at the PX. After we had lunch came the highlight of our day of outreach; we went to the local retirement home and sang to the people living there and the staff who cares for them. They were so touched just to have us there. We caroled through the hallways and stopped every few rooms. A very sweet lady asked us to come into her room and sing a song to her. So we did. The most beautiful sound of, "Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee o Israel" reverberated through her room and shone in her eyes. Does it get better than that? Oh yes. We caroled into the Alzheimer's hall. This hall has locked doors on either end for the patients' safety. I will not lie, it was a hard place to be. But I was there in the name of the One True God, and it was not my job to take on the weight of the world, but only to love them as He would. So I did. No naughty dogs will steal my joy today.


His Girl said...

I am so touched at how you share your gift with others. It's inspiring me to think of other ways I could be reaching out.

well done!

Shauna said...

That is so wonderful. Sharing God's love at this time of year is especially wonderful as it reminds us of what this season is truly about. Thank you for your inspiration.

A few years ago I felt inspired to take a Christmas Eve service to one of the nursing homes in our city. Because they couldn't do it in the evening, we went in the afternoon and put on a short service; music, message, specials, prayer. The kids from the Sunday school made gifts for all the residents and handed them out. Our church also provided baked goodies to share with the people and staff. It was a wonderful time.

Although I didn't participate after the first year, the kids have continued to make crafts and take the Christmas message to the folks in the home.

Anonymous said...

Hey you. Wish I could've been there with y'all. Surely you need a low tenor with the choir, huh!

Truth said...

When my children were very little, once a week we went visiting at the nursing home. The Alzheimer unit was the hardest, and we didn't go in there every week. But to see such joy on their faces as seeing and touching the little children, it was heartwarming to say the least. So glad to hear of your ministry.

Andrea Frazer said...

I haven't even read this yet, because I'm so damn tired and have been up 36 hours puking, but.... since His Girl says your dynamite, so sayeth I! Yes I do! Like our CA governator, I'll be back.