Friday, June 13, 2008

AVADIJ-E4 - June 13

...Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Luke 11:9-10

Funny; I wasn't going to do this verse today. However, God has me chewing on it. I typically hear this verse directed to hurting, non-believers. Or the focus is verse 9, "...ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." People take that as, "I just kneel; state what I want; and VOILA! There it is." Just for the sake of correctness, I will point out that the context of these verses in Luke, is part of Jesus answering His disciples, the question of, "Teach us how to pray". (These verses are also found at Matthew 7:7-8)

Today God is telling me to focus on verse 10 and speak to you who are believers. ARE you asking? ARE you seeking? ARE you knocking? Or did you say in your prayers this morning (if you prayed this morning), "Lord! I wish You would just tell me what You want me to do about this thing or that! Okay - I have to go now - my coffee is ready. Thanks Lord." And then get your coffee so you could get on the phone and consult your friends as to what you should do?

Why do you suppose Jesus suggests asking AND seeking AND knocking? Could it be because He is telling you that you need to spend the time doing the work? When there is something in your life that you have asked for God's help with, and the help is not forthcoming - or the answer is not clear, perhaps it is because He has already provided the answer but YOU have not spent enough time with Him to hear it. Don't get me wrong - there ARE times when God's answer is "wait" but as God is asking ME today (yes - insert S4J everywhere you see the word YOU), "How much time did you spend praying over that subject? How much time did you spend searching My Word for the answer? Were you actually paying attention during your devotion time, or were you thinking about how well this would blog? Did you go to the PHONE or did you go to the THRONE? And who is your request about? Is it about Me, or is it about you?"

Jesus is perfect. He does not lie. If He SAYS ask, seek, and knock, and you will get it - then that is what will happen.

Ouch. I have to go take a nap now. Geez.


His Girl said...

Just this morning I had to shake some of those same things out of my head... am i blogging this? is this what i want to blog? what do i want to do after devotion time?

*snap out of it!* i said to myself! Then I told God that I was ready to listen the way I expect my friends to listen to me... without knowing they are thinking about anything else but what we're talking about.

it's good to remember to listen- can you remind me every day, please? thanks.

Unknown said...

Hey there, Shawna, I mean, S4J!! haha!! I feel like this verse was directed at me today. I have been working on so many different little things, trying to have quality time with the kids, enjoy summer, blah x3. But there are a couple of issues really weighing heavily on my heart these days, and I'm so hesitant to make supplications for my own needs. That's just wrong! Thanks for the reminder, my friend.

Becky said...

Ouch is right! Loved the comment to go to the THRONE not the PHONE.

Yepper, this is something the Lord has me chewin' on right now, too. We're in the process of looking for a home, and it's been a daily battle to stay on my knees for guidance. It's tempting to think that without other people's input we're sort of 'on our own'...but really we're not! He is there to guide us, and if we're listening to His leading as we should, we'll be better off than we ever would asking the people in our lives what they think. Again, OUCH!

Anonymous said...

And I'm going to also say OUCH. Thanks for being used of God to bring about conviction. I do this, too, going to other people first. But I've really been put through the ringer this spring to learn to trust and obey...Thanks!

Gretchen said...

Powerful post. I know my quiet times (and non quiet times) aren't always as I would have them. One day, I'll get it. Until then, I'll keep pressing on to the goal.

I know what you mean about the nap--this faith thing is exhausting. ;)
