Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gustav's A Comin'

As of now, Gustav is over Cuba and is a category 4. Goodness. Pray that people will be sensible and evacuate where they should.


His Girl said...

ugh. you SURE you don't want to come live in Cali again?

Anonymous said...

or head east, my friend....praying for y'all....keep us posted!

Gretchen said...

Praying. Also, thinking of you and hoping you're able to enjoy the weekend despite waiting to hear news...

Jenster said...

If we still lived in Arkansas I'd say come stay with us for a bit! Of course, you can still come stay with us any time, but the drive's a little longer.

Praying for a much different result than three years ago.

MyShilohRanch said...

You are making plans to evac IF you need to, right? Looks like tomorrow could be a 'little' wet, windy, and wild in your neighborhood!!!
Good grief, a LOT going on lately for you! *understatement* Of course, that is when GOD'S hand becomes VERY evident!
Praying for your whole fam!