Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He Knows My Name

Have you ever had a friend like HisGirl?!
As she said, I have been recovering from very minor surgery to my right hand that has had rather intense recovery and left me basically useless for 2 weeks. Surprisingly enough,(that was sarcasm) I took sick the very afternoon that I had been holding twin babies. Sunday morning I woke up for church and literally could not open my eyes because they were bound shut from my cold. Bleck!(seems like I am always sick or injured or BOTH). I wanted to share this song with you because it speaks to my life and the Rock that I stand on.

Whatever my life was, is, or will be, I know I AM just fine. He knows my name.



His Girl said...

this is such a beautiful song. great choice... and as far as our friendship? the pleasure is truly mine.

i KNEW you'd get us singing again.

IdahoAngie said...

Hey you! Hope you get to feeling better soon! The sickies are going around here too. Got slammed monday night. It's not very fun at all.

What a beautiful song. Just makes me want to finish learning ASL even more!

Jenster said...

What is it about watching somebody sign a beautiful song that makes it that much more beautiful??

Praying for you to feel better ASAP! And thankful you have a friend like His Girl. Hey! She's my friend, too! Woohoo!! :o)

(Is it November yet?)

Brandy said...

YES!! I HAVE had a friend like His Girl!1 In fact - I have 2! I get to have you AND her!! Woo hoo!! I am doubly blessed!. Anyway - I loved this song. It was not the one I thought it would be. and who is that sign girl? Does she need to be our friend too?!

Becky said...

Awww, that's beautiful.

Yes, having good friends is truly a treasure.

You guys have that Biblical David and Jonathan thing...except with IMing, texting, tweeting and blogging thrown in. Oh, and without the archery...or do y'all go out and do a little target practice when you're together?

Becky said...

Oh, and I just had to add that the WV thingie said, "Humin" apropo for Sing4Joy.

Tiffani said...

hey there! I just HAD to come over after reading your interview with my wonderful friend Gretchen...I loved this video! I love watching someone's a beautiful art/language in and of itself...

Your interview was wonderful! I had to leave my "two cents" in over Gretch's b/c I am a MEGA Broadway geek ;)

Have a GREAT day!

Pink said...

Hello, I just found your blog, not sure how I found it, but God knows. Thank you for reminding me that God knows my name, even if I am a "nobody" to eveyone else...