Friday, November 21, 2008

I Quit Obstetrics School Halfway Through....

....having my hand inside a turkey tookus trying to convince the neck to come out through the opening and pondering whether I would have to enlist the tongs.

I have been extra absent lately and still super busy. I guess we all know it's that time of year. Today I am homebound, editing pictures and roasting a turkey for the squadron Thanksgiving party this evening.

It's gross. I know now that I could never deliver babies. Too bad all that medical school is going to go to waste.

Here are my efforts thus far. Perhaps you will get more updates throughout the day. Perhaps not.

and here it is all covered up in it's nice warm tent...


His Girl said...

now, put it in the oven, turn it on, and go letterboxing or something. when you come back it will be delicious!

(mwah-ha-ha! now i know why you enjoy being so mean and torturing others! that was fun!)

Becky said...

MMmmmm...I can almost smell the turkey now.

Vindiciti said...

Question. If you're cooking turkeys for a squadron party, and for a H@H party (Still have room for two more? Unless I'm mistaken, that is...) and for Thanksgiving, how many turkeys have met their demise for the joy of your family this year? Teehee.

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you, not only for cooking, but for using spices! Woohoo!! ;)

Gretchen said...

Mmmmm...looks awesome. You know, I think I'd rather deliver babies and put my hand "in there" than be a poultry chef. Somehow the smell and slime of chicken, turkey, and even pork when they're raw and I'm handling them is far more off putting than say touching a vajayjay. Perhaps because I have a vajayjay. Or...maybe because...well...I guess it's just best to leave the comment as it is. I fear I've done enough damage.

Happy Thanksgiving Dear One.

Shauna said...

Looks delish. I'm sure it turned out "picture perfect". ;-)

MyShilohRanch said...

I am with Gretchen about the smell and the feel of poultry ... yee-uck! Your turkey looks beautiful!BTW: You are a silly bird yourself Missy! :)