Friday, December 19, 2008



His Girl said...

incredible puddle shot! you are the mastah!

Jenster said...

Gorgeous! Totally frame/book/sell worthy!

Gretchen said...

You know...I'm feeling a bit talentless, here...sigh.

I know, I know...He loves me, too. :)

Exxxxxxcellent photo. Truly.

Unknown said...

I'm telling you -- these should be entered into contests or something. Truly works of art!

IdahoAngie said...

waayyy cool!

Anonymous said...

i'm speechless...which is hard to yay S4J! great job!!

Brandy said...

ooohhhh ahhh!!!

Im about to post some snow in California pictures so you cotta come see a ittle while.

Jenn said...

Beautiful picture! I would love to have that hanging in my house somewhere. You are so talented.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you had a nice time in Texas. Were you in my neck of the woods? Next time we should try to meet for coffee.