I have several Bibles in several translations that I have picked up during different seasons of my Christian walk....
And for about a year now I have been wanting a praise and worship devotional type Bible.Today it came!
Here's the description....
There is a fresh wind of worship blowing across the Body of Christ - believers everywhere are realizing that amazing encounters with God occur not just on Sunday, but every day! The iWorship Daily Devotional Bible will help you celebrate and experience a fervent passion for God in everything you do. It will build your faith and encourage you to adopt a moment-by-moment lifestyle of worship!
It is a beautiful Bible and I already know that I will cherish it in the years to come. Don't get me wrong, it will never replace my first Bible which was given to me by Cousin Amber - who devotedly prayed for my salvation - when she learned firsthand that her prayers had been answered.
She knew just what I needed when I needed it (as she almost always has for the 20 years that we have been friends). It is a most excellent personal study Bible in the NKJV translation with my name engraved in gold lettering on the front. In it are the first pages that my hands touched in earnest seeking of the God who gave all for my very soul. It contains the pages where I first ever wrote a note in a Bible when the words of Isaiah the prophet jumped off the page and danced around me as an exact and direct answer to a friend in need. It contains a very personal,powerful and overwhelming message that God gave directly to me in purpose and promise at a time when I was just beginning to learn who I was in Christ.
I pray that this new one is a faithful companion and supplement to my evergrowing relationship with Christ.
wow. the day I purchased that Bible was one of the happiest days of my life. the day we became more than cousins, more than friends... but Sisters in Christ. you are such an incredible blessing to me... you teach me more about Christ and living for Him than I ever could have imagined the day I first dared pray for your salvation.
Oh, what a marvelous God we serve! Oh, what a Holy thing it is to be able to pray! Oh, what an awesome gift it is to hope! and Oh, what a glorious thing it is to have a friend in Jesus as well as a friend with Jesus within!
*tra, la, la!*
hope this new Bible is a blessing for you :)
WOW... I love those pics! I hope this new Bible brings new inspiration and brings a new song to your heart! C
There is NOTHING anywhere that measures up to God's written Word -- treasure it in your heart -- and praise Him with your whole being.
Worshiping and praising Him alongside ya, sista, and I'll hold down that tenor for you.
Love love love to see you growing so!
Awww, what a sweet background story~it actually made me a little misty, knowing that you had a dear friend out there praying their heart out that you'd get saved, and then voila...you did! And then you became part of her family physically and spiritually! Way cool!
That new Bible sounds great. I, too, have amassed quite a collection of Bibles in my time, but all are used in different capacities (one was worn to a frazzle in Bible college, I use one for Sundays, one for Awana, one for BSF, etc., the goal being to fill them with all kinds of marginal notes and references we've learned along the way and 'wear them out' to pass along to our kids or grandkids one day with all the helpful stuff included. My grandma's Bible was this way, and though I wasn't the one who received it, it is a treasure trove nonetheless.
This was great post for me to read(see my latest post). I will have to check this Bible out.
I also enjoyed all the pictures and the story about your first Bible.
I will be back to visit!
Ooh, this looks like an awesome bible. I need to check it out.
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