Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Letters From War (excerpts)

Dec 30, 07

...I haven't been able to go to church services yet, because of my schedule. I've been fairly diligent at daily Bible studies though. I'm doing the one from FUMC and the Strength for Service book you sent me in Korea.
...So at the very least I'm reading the Word of God, and it does lift me up.
...Besides the Bible, I haven't found any books worth reading.
I will close the letter for now.
I love you and I will come home to you.
(heart) C


Shauna said...

*sigh* These are so precious. I can only imagine how they must brighten your day. When is his deployment finished?

Sing4joy said...

I wish he was coming home today.

Shauna said...

I honestly can not begin to imagine how you do it. I understand - at least in my head - the strength and grace of God, but I'm not sure I can grasp the enormity it would take to sustain you through the long separations, fear and uncertainty that come with serving your country. I guess that's why He's God. I have such respect and admiration for you and your family!

Becky said...

Bless his heart...and PTL he's staying in the Word! And Kudos to you for keeping things together on the homefront so that he knows he's loved and prayed for and that you all long for his return! Would that every soldier felt that same homefront support!

My sister and her hubby are apart for long periods of time due to his Military service, and I know it's one of the hardest challenges ever...but as my MIL (a long-term navy wife) has said, "If we could get through all those deployments while he was at sea...we could get through anything!" And they did have a difficulties in their lives afterward, but remained a very close-knit family, and they were married 48 years at the time of his death.

Hang in there, sister! May the God of all peace sustain you during this time, and might it pass quickly for you!

Jenster said...

*sigh* These excerpts you share are so touching. I've was apart from my husband for a year and that was horrible. But I knew I would see him every other weekend. I can't imagine what it's like for you. You, my dear, are a part of my daily prayers along with your entire family.