Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Word Of The Day Wednesday

idiopathy(id-ee-OP-uh-thee) noun

A disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause.

Well, Judi - your urethra problem will have to be in the idiopathy category. Or, if it makes you feel better, we can call it Urethral Syndrome. Here's a pill.

Interestingly this word sort of sounds like a word that a patient made up to describe the medicine being practiced on them....


Jenster said...

Interestingly this word sort of sounds like a word that a patient made up to describe the medicine being practiced on them....

Preach on, sister!!!

I'm sorry for your experience with idiopathetics!

Jenn said...

You should be proud that they started a syndrome for you! :o)

Sorry if you are feeling bad.

Sing4joy said...

You should be proud that they started a syndrome for you! :o)

BWAHhahahaha! That is inspired comedy!

I'm actually feeling great. Problem is not a problem when hubby is at war. I will say no more.

Except, I made a rhymee you're so slymee.

His Girl said...

hahahaha. pure comic genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry about the idiopathic nastiness- hope it's disappearing during it's uh... latent season.